Meet the Team

Joanna Kempston
Katherine Heaton
Associate Principal /
Lead Mentor
Adele Lowery
Associate Principal /
Lead Mentor
Katie Hartshorne
Teacher Training and Development Lead
Danny Storr
Trust Finance
Amy Wollerton
Senior Business
Support Officer
Natalie Hardman
Chief Administration Officer
Debbie Hobson
Executive Assistant

Our Behaviour Experts

Dave Whitaker
Director of Learning
Luke Mitchell
Head of Behaviour Support Services
Jacob Lawton
Senior Behaviour Consultant

School Based Mentors

Each school direct trainee and ECT is allocated their own mentor who provides specific support on a day to day basis. They meet our trainees for a weekly coaching session to review progress, discuss practice and direct trainees to other experts from within their school who can offer further support in developing their practice.They are a central figure in the on going development of early career teachers.

Expert Tutors

We have a number of expert tutors who work closely in delivering on our training  programmes in their area of expertise. Regular timetabled training sessions are held throughout the School Direct and ECT programmes. Our tutors are both friendly and experienced and deliver bespoke training sessions built on their first hand experiences in the classroom. They provide both theoretical and practical knowledge for our students which is underpinned by recent and up to date research informed practice.

Get in touch

Speak to one of our team directly and we will help answer any questions you may have.